
January 1 is the time of new goals, new plans, a new you. Except if you’re a parent. Then your New Year start in September. Our whole calendar shifts, and it shakes our routine. No more late bed times when we were busy playing on the trampoline during the long summer days. No more sleeping in till 8 am.  With all the change, there is opportunity to start fresh.

Taking a year off of work has offered us the chance to ask, “What’s next?” In the last 14 years of marriage we have checked a few of the big items off our list. Travel the world: check. Adopt kids and have biological kids: check (We have adopted 4, have 2 bio, and are DONE.) Buy a home and renovate it: check (x 3). So we having been pondering the question, “What’s next?”

What’s next for you?

Maybe you have a little bit of financial freedom. Maybe you played your cards right and hit the financial jackpot and now the world of possibilities lies before you. Maybe you feel like a slave to your circumstances because your bills eat up 110% of your pay and the weight of it is crushing you.

September is just around the corner.

Everything changes in September. Even in you don’t have school aged kids, you notice the change. The weather changes. The air changes. The traffic changes. The leaves change. Long summer holidays are over and people get back to work (hopefully Congress included!) We stop drinking frapacinnos and start ordering pumpkin spice lattes. Things just start to feel different.

We can change also.

Why wait till Jan 1 2017? Let’s harness the changing season to bring new direction and change into our lives.  How about we get a jump start on the New Year with September Resolutions?

Here are 3 tips to start your September Resolutions?


  1. Find your new narrative.


In our minds runs a story about who we are. And those words are powerful. When you consider your “what’s next”, think about how you hope next fall with look different than this fall. Maybe your food bill is much lower. You hardly ever order take out or buy lunch at work. Why? Because the new narrative says that you are a cook. “You cook affordable and healthy meals. You plan out your meals and have a stack of tasty recipes to choose from. You grocery shop every week.”  Focus on this new narrative. Instead of the old thought patters that use to say, “I’m too tired to cook. I don’t have time to prepare something. It’s just easier to grab take out. I don’t even know what I would make.” You replace that old story with a new one.


  1. Focus on just 1 goal.


This isn’t your old New Year’s list. It doesn’t need to be 20 items long. It’s September, remember? Just pick 1 goal, that has 2 or 3 action points to it. Your one goal might be: Lower our food bill by cooking at home. Action items: Find receipts. Learn to prepare food. Start shopping with a plan.


  1. Learning, Progress and Practice is the end game: Not perfection.


We aren’t perfect.  So don’t make that the goal. At the end of the week ask yourself, “Did I learn something new that will help me achieve this goal?” “Have I practiced these things I’m leaning?” “Am I making progress?”


I’m excited for September to arrive. How about you all? Are you taking advantage of the changing seasons to switch up a few other things in your life? How have your own narratives changed over the years?